Some interesting facts about Greatwall hiking

Planning to go for The Great Wall of China hiking? Well, here are some very interesting facts to know.

You may need a tour package.

There are several tour operators that give some good packages for the wall hiking. But, not all of them are good. It is advisable to choose a package to make your trip more convenient. You can search the internet to find the best companies out there. The Greatwall hiking by Trekclub is very well known for providing high quality services to the tourists. Even if you are planning to take the adventure trip, you will need to accommodation at the beginning and probably at the end of the trip. You will also need the transport to carry you from the city to the wall and back to the city.


Special clothing may be required

The Greatwall hiking by Trekclub will do a lot of things for you like accommodation and transport. However, you need to take care of your clothing. Actually, there is no special clothing required for the tour. You just need to pick according to the season and the kind of trip you are taking. For instance, if you are visiting in winter then you will need warm clothes even during the day. In summer and autumn you will need light clothes during the day and slightly warm for night.

Choosing the right footwear is also important. If you are not climbing high, simple leather shoes will do. However, since you are going for hiking you must wear the shoes that offer a lot of traction and are still comfortable. For longer hikes you need to make sure that the shoes are comfortable.

It is best to have a pair of gloves with you as you may sometimes need to use your hands to climb up.

Not all the places are meant for climb

If you are looking for long, steep, adventurous climbs then you will need to choose the right spot for it. For example, Badaling section is pretty flat and is also the most visited. It is primarily meant for those who have come for casual vacation. It is not the place where the hikers go for adventure. Jinshaling section does provide some good climbs. However, if you are a pro trekker/hiker you may get bored of it. If you are looking for real adventure then go to the Simatai section.


Some places are really crowded

As expected, Badaling section is the most crowded, especially during the holiday season. Badaling is very easy to access and the walk is pretty straightforward. Therefore, it is not a great place if you are looking for some quiet.

You can enjoy the rain too

If you are hiking in the summer season you may experience rainstorm. Of course it is extremely pleasant but it can also be inconvenient if you get completely drenched. Therefore, make sure that you carry the raincoat with you.

Perfect for taking pictures

Many parts of the wall are perfect for taking pictures. As you climb up the landscape gradually reveals itself to you. It is truly mesmerizing.